A-Z of services and skills
Gentek Consult employs hundreds of specialists, working across a broad range of design and engineering disciplines. We’re the largest multidisciplinary consultancy in Europa and Turkey.
Browse the list below for examples of the services and skills we offer our clients. You can learn more in the “Our markets” and “Areas of business” sections of this website.
For information about these services and skills, or to enquire about other ways we can work with you, please use the User Feedback form.
Aerial mapping and land surveys
Air dispersion modelling
Air quality monitoring and assessment
Anaerobic baffled reactors
Analysis and design assessment
Architectural design
Asset integrity
Asset management
Asset databases
Asset systems
Airfield pavement design
Airfield drainage systems
Auditing and verification
Barrage design
Benefits analysis
Biodiversity action plans
Biomass and waste-to-energy (renewables)
Biosolids and Other Organic Soil Treatments (BOOST) accreditation
Biosolids treatment disposal and use
Bridge engineering
Blast and impact – design, analysis and assessment
Bridge design, inspection, testing, monitoring, maintenance & repair
Brownfield redevelopment
Capability management
Carbon capture and storage
Carbon management
Chemical risks
Civil engineering
Co-composting with induced shaft aeration
Coastal processes and modelling
Coastal protection
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO)
Command and control systems
Communications and IT (network and infrastructure)
Communications and IT (engineering)
Compulsory purchase (planning, landscape and heritage)
Consents and authorisations
Concept design
Communication systems
Constructed wetlands
Contaminated land solutions
Control of Major Accident Hazard (COMAH)
Control rooms (security, CCTV)
Control centres
Cost management
Creative design and graphics (planning, landscape and heritage)
Dams and reservoirs
Decommissioning and abandonment (oil and gas)
Decommissioning reports (environment)
Design of coastal structures
Distribution networks (water)
District Meter Area (DMA) audit
Drainage and infrastructure
Drainage area assessments and plans
Due diligence and regulation
Earthing and bonding
Ecology and biodiversity
Ecological impact assessment
Economics and sustainability (planning, landscape and heritage)
Electrification and plant distribution and power
ELV design
Electrical engineering
Energy and power planning and consents
Environment, health and safety training
Environmental auditing
Environmental assessment
Environmental briefings
Environmental consultancy
Environmental due diligence
Environmental impact assessments
Environmental impact (RF)
Environmental management
Environmental policy and strategy
Environmental reporting
Environmental risk assessment and risk management
Evidence tracking (forensic)
Environmental training
Estate management
EU emissions trading
European Water Framework Directive consultancy
Evaluation of landfill gases
Expert opinion (interiors)
Explosive safety
Expert witnesses
Facilities engineering (oil and gas)
Facilities management
Fatigue and fracture mechanics
Fatigue and damage tolerance
Feasibility studies
Finite element modelling
Fire engineering
Fire safety management system
Floating media filters (water)
Flood defences
Flood protection and risk management
Fluid dynamics
Fluid mechanics
Fluvial geomorphology
Food chain issues
Forward maintenance planning
Geo-environmental engineering
Geohazards and engineering geology
Geotechnical and foundation engineering
GIS system design and implementation
Global warming potential
Groundwater monitoring
Groundwater remediation
Groundwater and water resource modelling
Graphic design services
Habitats creation and restoration
Habitats directive assessments
Health and Safety (SHE)
Highway design and engineering
Highway asset management
Highway structures
Highway maintenance and operations
Historic landscape and townscape characterisation
Human health risk assessment
Human factors
Hydraulic structures
Hydrographic surveys
Hydro (renewables)
Identity management systems
Incinerator health risk assessment
Independent systems engineering
Industrial water and wastewater treatment
Infrastructure (communications)
Integrated coastal zone Management (ICZM)
Integrated logistics support
Integrated natural and cultural heritage services
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
International performance benchmarking (water)
Independent Safety Assessment (ISA)
Industrial design
Industrial IT
Industrial vibration
Information systems
Investigative services
ITT development and assessment
Information Systems (IS)
Interior design
Joint implementation and clean development mechanism
Knowledge management
Landfill health risk assessment
Land reclamation
Landscape architecture and urban design
Leachate monitoring
Leakage management
Legal and compliance audits (environment)
Licences and mitigation for protected species
Lifts and escalators
Lighting specialists
Linear stress analysis
M&E engineering
Maintenance optimisation
Major project development
Management consultancy
Manufacturing execution systems
Marinas and harbours
Maritime structures
Marine renewable energy
Mechanical engineering
Merger and acquisition services
Microbiological risk management
Microgeneration (renewables)
Mines and quarries
Mine waters
Mining legacy and remediation
Model making (architectural)
Noise and vibration monitoring and insulation testing (environment)
Noise at work regulations
NoiseMap software
Non linear analysis
Nuclear environmental services
NRWSA notification
Odour assessments
Operational analysis and modelling
Orthophoto and DTM production
Outfalls (water)
Overhead line engineering
Phase 1 environmental audits
Phase 2 investigations
Photogrammetric scanning
Pipeline engineering
Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM)
Planning appeals and public inquiries
Planning applications
Planning appraisals
Planning for renewable energy
Planning policy development and research
Plant services
Ports and harbours
Power distribution
Power system modelling
Port engineering
Process engineering
Project management
Project risk assessment
Property asset management
Public health engineering
Public inquiry services
Quay systems
Rail drainage
Regulatory frameworks (water)
Regulatory compliance (water)
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) (oil and gas)
Reliability-centred maintenance
Remediation strategies
Remote sensing
Remote technology
Requirements analysis
Requirements engineering
Risk and reliability
Risk analysis and management
Risk assessments
River catchment planning
River modelling
River restoration
Road safety and risk management
Route planning
Seismic engineering
Seismic design, analysis and retrofit
Seismic hazard and earthquake engineering
SCADA systems (Telemetry, PLC)
Sewer system management and optimisation
Signalling and control systems development
Signalling design
Signalling installation, testing and commissioning
Signalling, mainline signalling and control systems
Signalling, metro signalling and control systems
Signal overrun assessments
Signalling projects
Site closure plans
Site investigations (soil and groundwater)
Site options viability analysis (planning, landscape and heritage)
Sludge treatment and disposal
SMS/EMS/IMS development
Soil/structure interaction
Solar and geothermal (renewables)
Spatial analysis and modelling
Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
Specialist dive surveys
Stack height calculations
Station design
Statutory searches
Strategies for engaging with communities
Stress analysis
Structural analysis
Structural assessments
Structural appraisals
Structural design
Structural dynamics
Structural engineering
Structures examinations
Structural monitoring
Structural surveys
Subsea engineering
Supply chain audit
Supply chain management
Supplier sourcing (procurement)
Supplier performance management
Surface water development
Surge analysis
Sustainable design
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS)
Systems engineering
Systems integration
Systems validation
Technical investigations
Technical audits
Technical due diligence
Test, evaluation and acceptance
Topographic surveys
Telemetry systems
Testing and installation
Thermal analysis
Thermal engineering
Through life costing
Through life management
Time, cost, performance evaluation
Timetable planning
Track work design
Training courses
Training needs analysis
Transport interchanges
Transport planning
Transport and works act procedures
Transport operations and safety
Transport surety
Tunnel design
Tunnels and underground space engineering
Underground gas storage
Value management
Waste management
Wastewater discharge consents
Wastewater infrastructure
Wastewater networks
Waterside development
Water infrastructure
Water networks
Water quality
Water resource management
Water supply
Water treatment
World Heritage Site management
Wave and tidal (renewables)
Wheel slip protection
Wind (renewables)
Wind energy
Wind loading effects